Competitive Programming in Haskell: stacks, queues, and monoidal sliding windows
Suppose we have a list of items of length \(n\), and we want to consider windows (i.e. contiguous subsequences) of width \(w\) within the list.
A list of numbers, with contiguous size-3 windows highlighted
We can compute the sum of each window by brute force in \(O(nw)\) time, by simply generating the list of all the windows and then summing each. But, of course, we can do better: keep track of the sum of the current window; every time we slide the window one element to the right we can add the new element that enters the window on the right and subtract the element that falls of the window to the left. Using this “sliding window” technique, we can compute the sum of every window in only \(O(n)\) total time instead of \(O(nw)\).
How about finding the maximum of every window? Of course the brute
force \(O(nw)\) algorithm still works, but doing it in only \(O(n)\) is
considerably trickier! We can’t use the same trick as we did for sums
since there’s no way to “subtract” the element falling off the left.
This really comes down to the fact that addition forms a group
(i.e. a monoid-with-inverses), but max
does not. So more
generally, the question is: how can we compute a monoidal summary
for every window in only \(O(n)\) time?
Today I want to show you how to solve this problem using one of my favorite competitive programming tricks, which fits beautifully in a functional context. Along the way we’ll also see how to implement simple yet efficient functional queues.
Before we get to queues, we need to take a detour through stacks.
Stacks in Haskell are pretty boring. We can just use a list, with the
front of the list corresponding to the top of the stack. However, to
make things more interesting—and because it will come in very handy
later—we’re going to implement monoidally-annotated stacks. Every
element on the stack will have a measure, which is a value from some
monoid m
. We then want to be able to query any stack for the total
of all the measures in \(O(1)\). For example, perhaps we want to always
be able to find the sum or max of all the elements on a stack.
If we wanted to implement stacks annotated by a group, we could just do something like this:
data GroupStack g a = GroupStack (a -> g) !g [a]
That is, a GroupStack
stores a measure function, which assigns to
each element of type a
a measure of type g
(which is intended to
be a Group
); a value of type g
representing the sum (via the group
operation) of measures of all elements on the stack; and the actual
stack itself. To push, we would just compute the measure of the new element
and add it to the cached g
value; to pop, we subtract the measure of
the element being popped, something like this:
push :: a -> GroupStack g a -> GroupStack g a
GroupStack f g as) = GroupStack f (f a <> g) (a:as)
push a (
pop :: GroupStack g a -> Maybe (a, GroupStack g a)
GroupStack f g as) = case as of
pop (-> Nothing
[] :as') -> GroupStack f (inv (f a) <> g) as' (a
But this won’t work for a monoid, of course. The problem is pop
, where
we can’t just subtract the measure for the element being
popped. Instead, we need to be able to restore the measure of a
previous stack. Hmmm… sounds like we might be able to use… a stack! We
could just store a stack of measures alongside the stack of elements;
even better is to store a stack of pairs. That is, each element on
the stack is paired with an annotation representing the sum of all the
measures at or below it. Here, then, is our representation of
monoidally-annotated stacks:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Stack where
data Stack m a = Stack (a -> m) !Int [(m, a)]
A Stack m a
stores three things:
A measure function of type
a -> m
.Incidentally, what if we want to be able to specify an arbitrary measure for each element, and even give different measures to the same element at different times? Easy: just use(m,a)
pairs as elements, and usefst
as the measure function.
representing the size of the stack. This is not strictly necessary, especially since one could always just use a monoidal annotation to keep track of the size; but wanting the size is so ubiquitous that it seems convenient to just include it as a special case.The aforementioned stack of (annotation, element) pairs.
Note that we cannot write a Functor
instance for Stack m
, since
occurs contravariantly in (a -> m)
. But this makes sense: if we
change all the a
values, the cached measures would no longer be valid.
When creating a new, empty stack, we have to specify the measure
function; to get the measure of a stack, we just look up the measure
on top, or return mempty
for an empty stack.
new :: (a -> m) -> Stack m a
= Stack f 0 []
new f
size :: Stack m a -> Int
Stack _ n _) = n
size (
measure :: Monoid m => Stack m a -> m
Stack _ _ as) = case as of
measure (-> mempty
[] : _ -> m (m, _)
Now let’s implement push
and pop
. Both are relatively
push :: Monoid m => a -> Stack m a -> Stack m a
@(Stack f n as) = Stack f (n + 1) ((f a <> measure s, a) : as)
push a s
pop :: Stack m a -> Maybe (a, Stack m a)
Stack f n as) = case as of
pop (-> Nothing
[] : as' -> Just (a, Stack f (n - 1) as') (_, a)
Note that if we care about using non-commutative monoids,
in the implementation of push
we have a choice to make between f a <> measure s
and measure s <> f a
. The former seems nicer to me,
since it keeps the measures “in the same order” as the list
representing the stack. For example, if we push a list of elements
onto a stack via foldr
, using the measure function (:[])
that injects
each element into the monoid of lists, the resulting measure
is just
the original list:
. foldr push (new (:[])) == id measure
And more generally, for any measure function f
, we have
. foldr push (new f) == foldMap f measure
Finally, we are going to want a function to reverse a stack, which is a one-liner:
reverse :: Monoid m => Stack m a -> Stack m a
reverse (Stack f _ as) = foldl' (flip push) (new f) (map snd as)
That is, to reverse a stack, we extract the elements and then use
to push the elements one at a time onto a new stack using the
same measure function.
There is a bit more code you can find on
such as Show
and Eq
Now that we have monoidally-annotated stacks under our belt, let’s turn to queues. And here’s where my favorite trick is revealed: we can implement a queue out of two stacks, so that enqueue and dequeue run in \(O(1)\) amortized time; and if we use monoidally-annotated stacks, we get monoidally-annotated queues for free!
First, some imports.
{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
module Queue where
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Stack (Stack)
import Stack qualified as Stack
A Queue m a
just consists of two stacks, one for the front and one
for the back. To create a new
queue, we just create two new stacks;
to get the size
of a queue, we just add the sizes of the stacks; to
get the measure
of a queue, we just combine the measures of the
stacks. Easy peasy.
type CommutativeMonoid = Monoid
data Queue m a = Queue {getFront :: Stack m a, getBack :: Stack m a}
deriving (Show, Eq)
new :: (a -> m) -> Queue m a
= Queue ( f) ( f)
new f
size :: Queue m a -> Int
Queue front back) = Stack.size front + Stack.size back
size (
measure :: CommutativeMonoid m => Queue m a -> m
Queue front back) = Stack.measure front <> Stack.measure back measure (
Note the restriction to commutative monoids, since the queue
elements are stored in different orders in the front and back stacks.
If we really cared about making this work with non-commutative
monoids, we would have to make two different push
methods for the
front and back stacks, to combine the measures in opposite orders.
That just doesn’t seem worth it. But if you have a good example
requiring the use of a queue annotated by a non-commutative monoid,
I’d love to hear it!
Now, to enqueue
, we just push the new element on the back:
enqueue :: CommutativeMonoid m => a -> Queue m a -> Queue m a
Queue front back) = Queue front (Stack.push a back) enqueue a (
Dequeueing is the magic bit that makes everything work. If there are
any elements in the front stack, we can just pop from there.
Otherwise, we need to first reverse the back stack into the front
stack. This means dequeue
may occasionally take \(O(n)\) time, but it’s
still \(O(1)\) amortized.The easiest way to see this is to note that
every element is touched exactly three times: once when it is pushed
on the back; once when it is transferred from the back to the front;
and once when it is popped from the front. So, overall, we do \(O(1)\)
work per element.
dequeue :: CommutativeMonoid m => Queue m a -> Maybe (a, Queue m a)
Queue front back)
dequeue (| Stack.size front == 0 && Stack.size back == 0 = Nothing
| Stack.size front == 0 = dequeue (Queue (Stack.reverse back) front)
| otherwise = second (\front' -> Queue front' back) <$> Stack.pop
Finally, for convenience, we can make a function drop1
which just
dequeues an item from the front of a queue and throws it away.
drop1 :: CommutativeMonoid m => Queue m a -> Queue m a
= case dequeue q of
drop1 q Nothing -> q
Just (_, q') -> q'
This “banker’s queue” method of building a queue out of two stacks is
discussed in Purely Functional Data Structures by Okasaki, though I
don’t think he was the first to come up with the idea. It’s also
possible to use some clever tricks to make both enqueue
take \(O(1)\) time in the worst
In a future post I’d like to do some benchmarking to compare various
queue implementations (i.e. banker’s queues, Data.Sequence
circular array queues built on top of STArray
). At least
anecdotally, in solving some sliding window problems, banker’s queues
seem quite fast so far.
Sliding windows
I hope you can see how this solves the initial motivating problem: to
find e.g. the max of a sliding window, we can just put the elements
in a monoidally-annotated queue, enqueueing and dequeueing one element
every time we slide the window over.More generally, of course, it
doesn’t even matter if the left and right ends of the window stay
exactly in sync; we can enqueue and dequeue as many times as we want.
The following windows
function computes the monoidal sum foldMap f window
for each window of width \(w\), in only \(O(n)\) time
windows :: CommutativeMonoid m => Int -> (a -> m) -> [a] -> [m]
= go startQ rest
windows w f as where
= splitAt w as
(start, rest) = foldl' (flip enqueue) (new f) start
go q as : case as of
measure q -> []
[] : as -> go (enqueue a (drop1 q)) as a
“But…maximum and minimum do not form monoids, only semigroups!” I hear you cry. Well, we can just adjoin special positive or negative infinity elements as needed, like so:
data Max a = NegInf | Max a deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Ord a => Semigroup (Max a) where
NegInf <> a = a
<> NegInf = a
a Max a <> Max b = Max (max a b)
instance Ord a => Monoid (Max a) where
mempty = NegInf
data Min a = Min a | PosInf deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Ord a => Semigroup (Min a) where
PosInf <> a = a
<> PosInf = a
a Min a <> Min b = Min (min a b)
instance Ord a => Monoid (Min a) where
mempty = PosInf
Now we can write, for example, windows 3 Max [1,4,2,8,9,4,4,6]
yields [Max 4, Max 8, Max 9, Max 9, Max 9, Max 6]
, the maximums of
each 3-element window.
If you’d like to try solving some problems using the techniques from this blog post, I can recommend the following (generally in order of difficulty):
In a future post I’ll walk through my solution to Hockey Fans. And here’s another couple problems along similar lines; unlike the previous problems I am not so sure how to solve these in a nice way. I may write about them in the future.