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You could have invented Fenwick trees

Posted on January 23, 2025
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My paper, You could have invented Fenwick trees, has just been published as a Functional Pearl in the Journal of Functional Programming. This blog post is an advertisement for the paper, which presents a novel way to derive the Fenwick tree data structure from first principles.

Suppose we have a sequence of integers \(a_1, \dots, a_n\) and want to be able to perform two operations:

There are several ways to solve this problem. For example:

  1. We could just keep the sequence of integers in a mutable array. Updating is \(O(1)\), but range queries are \(O(n)\) since we must actually loop through the range and add up all the values.
  2. We could keep a separate array of prefix sums on the side, so that \(P_i\) stores the sum \(a_1 + \dots + a_i\). Then the range query on \([i,j]\) can be computed as \(P_j - P_{i-1}\), which only takes \(O(1)\); however, updates now take \(O(n)\) since we must also update all the prefix sums which include the updated element.
  3. We can get the best of both worlds using a segment tree, a binary tree storing the elements at the leaves, with each internal node caching the sum of its children. Then both update and range query can be done in \(O(\lg n)\).

I won’t go through the details of this third solution here, but it is relatively straightforward to understand and implement, especially in a functional language.

However, there is a fourth solution, known as a Fenwick tree or Fenwick array, independently invented by Ryabko (1989) and Fenwick (1994). Here’s a typical Java implementation of a Fenwick tree:

class FenwickTree {
    private long[] a;
    public FenwickTree(int n) { a = new long[n+1]; }
    public long prefix(int i) {
        long s = 0;
        for (; i > 0; i -= LSB(i)) s += a[i]; return s;
    public void update(int i, long delta) {
        for (; i < a.length; i += LSB(i)) a[i] += delta;
    public long range(int i, int j) {
        return prefix(j) - prefix(i-1);
    public long get(int i) { return range(i,i); }
    public void set(int i, long v) { update(i, v - get(i)); }
    private int LSB(int i) { return i & (-i); }

I know what you’re thinking: what the heck!? There are some loops adding and subtracting LSB(i), which is defined as the bitwise AND of i and -i? What on earth is this doing? Unless you have seen this before, this code is probably a complete mystery, as it was for me the first time I encountered it.

However, from the right point of view, we can derive this mysterious imperative code as an optimization of segment trees. In particular, in my paper I show how we can:

  1. Start with a segment tree.
  2. Delete some redundant info from the segment tree, and shove the remaining values into an array in a systematic way.
  3. Define operations for moving around in the resulting Fenwick array by converting array indices to indices in a segment tree, moving around the tree appropriately, and converting back.
  4. Describe these operations using a Haskell EDSL for infinite-precision 2’s complement binary arithmetic, and fuse away all the intermediate conversion steps, until the above mysterious implementation pops out.
  5. Profit.

I may be exaggerating step 5 a teensy bit. But you’ll find everything else described in much greater detail, with pretty pictures, in the paper! The official JFP version is here, and here’s an extended version with an appendix containing an omitted proof.


Fenwick, Peter M. 1994. “A New Data Structure for Cumulative Frequency Tables.” Software: Practice and Experience 24 (3): 327–36.
Ryabko, Boris Yakovlevich. 1989. “A Fast on-Line Code.” In Doklady Akademii Nauk, 306:548–52. 3. Russian Academy of Sciences.