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Species operations: differentiation

Posted on August 6, 2009
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Continuing my series describing my new combinatorial species library, today we’ll take a look at the operation of differentiation.

You may remember that the Species type class has an Algebra.Differential constraint, which, as I previously explained, transitively implies an Algebra.Ring constraint. But we haven’t yet talked about the Differential contraint itself, which requires a method differentiate :: Species s => s -> s (which I will abbreviate using the standard “prime” notation), which should satisfy

\((x * y)' \equiv x' * y + x * y'\)

(up to isomorphism). Okay, this is just the normal product rule for differentiation, from calculus—but what on earth could such a thing mean combinatorially?

There is actually a nice, simple answer: an \(F'\)-structure on the underlying set \(U\) consists of an \(F\)-structure on \(U \cup \{*\}\), where \(*\) is a distinguished element distinct from all the elements of \(U\). To make the connection to data type differentiation, we can also think of \(*\) as a “hole”.

[caption id=“attachment_271” align=“aligncenter” width=“400” caption=“Species differentiation”]Species differentiation[/caption]

The above diagram illustrates the situation: an \(F'\)-structure on \(\{1,2,3,4,5\}\) is an \(F\)-structure on \(\{1,2,3,4,5,*\}\).

And how about the law \((F * G)' \equiv F' * G + F * G'\)? Does this make combinatorial sense? (You may want to stop and think about it before reading on!)

By definition, an \((F * G)'\)-structure on \(U\) is an \((F*G)\)-structure on \(U \cup \{*\}\), which is a pair of an \(F\)-structure and a \(G\)-structure on a splitting (a two-partition) of \(U \cup \{*\}\). The distinguished \(*\) label must end up on one side or the other, so an \((F*G)'\)-structure can arise in one of two ways: it is either an \(F'\)-structure paired with a \(G\)-structure, or an \(F\)-structure paired with a \(G'\)-structure, depending on where the \(*\) ends up. But this is precisely saying that \((F * G)' \equiv F' * G + F * G'\)!

Where does species differentiation show up? The most well-known place is in defining the species \(L\) of lists (linear orderings). In fact,

\(L = C'\),

that is, the species \(L\) is the derivative of the species \(C\) of cycles. A cycle defines an ordering, but there is no distinguished beginning or end; by making a cycle out of some elements with a distinguished extra element \(*\), we uniquely identify a beginning/end of the ordering on the original elements: a list!

[caption id=“attachment_274” align=“aligncenter” width=“400” caption=“Differentiating a cycle to get a list”]Differentiating a cycle to get a list[/caption]

> take 10 . labelled $ lists [1,1,2,6,24,120,720,5040,40320,362880] > take 10 . labelled $ oneHole cycles [1,1,2,6,24,120,720,5040,40320,362880] > generate lists ([1..3] :: [Int]) [[1,2,3],[1,3,2],[2,1,3],[2,3,1],[3,1,2],[3,2,1]] > generate (oneHole cycles) ([1..3] :: [Int]) [<,1,2,3>,<,1,3,2>,<,2,1,3>,<,2,3,1>,<,3,1,2>,<,3,2,1>]

Here’s an example of differentiation in action. In the species library, the function oneHole is provided as a synonym for differentiate. The session above shows that there are the same number of labelled lists as labelled one-hole cycles: this isn’t surprising given the discussion above, and in fact, list is actually implemented as oneHole cycle. Actually, this is a tiny lie, as the rest of the session shows: since lists are such a common combinatorial structure, there is a special case for them in the generation code. But we can explicitly generate one-hole cycles as above; it’s easy to see that they are in one-to-one correspondence with the lists.

To finish off this post, a few exercises for you (you can check your answers with the species library):
  1. Describe the species \(1'\).
  2. Describe the species \(X'\).
  3. Describe the species \(E'\).
  4. Does differentiation distribute over addition? That is, is it true that \((F + G)' \equiv F' + G'\) for any species \(F\) and \(G\)? Give a combinatorial interpretation of this identity, or say why it does not hold.
  5. Describe the species \(L'\).
  6. Describe the species \(C^{(n)}\) (i.e. the nth derivative of the species of cycles).