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Mgu's and universal properties

Posted on December 11, 2009
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Warning, poorly-explained categorical rambling follows…

The most general unifier (mgu) of two expressions \(x\) and \(y\) is a substitution \(\theta\) for which \(\theta(x) = \theta(y)\), such that every other substitution \(\phi\) for which \(\phi(x) = \phi(y)\) can be expressed as \(\theta \circ \phi'\) for some \(\phi'\). For example, the most general unifier of \(f(x,g(2))\) and \(f(g(3), y)\) is \([x := g(3), y := g(2)]\).

Now, I’d seen this definition before. But just yesterday I realized what a similar flavor it has to certain other definitions in mathematics. For example:

The greatest common divisor of two natural numbers \(x\) and \(y\) is a natural number \(d\) which evenly divides both \(x\) and \(y\), such that every other common divisor of \(x\) and \(y\) is also a divisor of \(d\).

See the similarity? Now, I’ve studied enough category theory to know that this is an example of a “universal property”. gcd in particular is the meet operation in the divisor poset, and meets are just products in a poset category… so, naturally, I wondered whether mgu’s could also be formalized as a particular universal construction in some category. After some fiddling around, I figured out that yes, mgu’s can be thought of as coequalizers in a category of substitutions (which I guess is sort of like the Kleisli category of the free monad on the structure functor for whatever term algebra you are using?). A Google search for “mgu coequalizer” seems to suggest that I am right! I’m rather pleased that I came up with this on my own. Anyone know of a link to where this was first discussed?