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Announcing diagrams preview release

Posted on May 17, 2011
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I am extremely pleased to announce a "developer preview" release of the diagrams framework for declarative drawing. This is a well-thought-out, well-documented, working release with all core functionality in place, but with many planned features still missing (for example, support for rendering text and higher-level tools for constructing curves). If you are interested in

please give it a try! On the other hand, if you are looking for a complete, full-featured package that will let you jump right into producing the graphics you need, you may want to wait for the 1.0 release.

If you are familiar with the diagrams package already on Hackage, this is a complete rewrite which has been in the works for over a year and a half.

What is it?

Diagrams is an embedded domain-specific library (EDSL) for creating diagrams, illustrations, and other sorts of vector graphics. The overall vision is for diagrams to become a viable alternative to systems like MetaPost, Asymptote, and PGF/TikZ.

Diagrams is:

Cool, how can I try it out?

Start by reading the quick tutorial, which has detailed information about how to install the necessary packages and will introduce you to the fundamentals of the framework.

Or, for the truly impatient:

cabal install diagrams-core diagrams-lib diagrams-cairo

How can I contribute?

There are lots of ways you can contribute! First, you may want to subscribe to the project mailing list, and/or come hang out in the #diagrams IRC channel on freenode.org.

Happy diagramming!

Brought to you by the diagrams team:

with contributions from: