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Good toolchain for writing a user manual?

Posted on June 10, 2011

It’s time to start writing a user manual for diagrams. Haddock documentation is great when you have only, say, forgotten the type of the frobnitz function. However, it is woefully inadequate when you are just trying to figure out how to wibble your fromps (it turns out, of course, that frobnitz is quite general and can be used for, among other things, wibbling fromps; but how would you know to look in the Diagrams.Frobnostication module in the first place?).

So I’m looking for tools I can use to help write and publish the manual. For something short like a tutorial, pandoc works like a charm, but the user manual is going to be a much larger and more complex beast. Here are my requirements. I want to:

And some "nice-to-have" features:

So – any ideas? Perhaps I really want the system used for the Yesod wiki, but I’m assuming it would not be cheap. The most viable thing I have considered so far is using pandoc to generate docbook, and from there generating chunked HTML. This is nice in some ways but not ideal: pandoc actually can’t do syntax highlighting when writing anything other than HTML; I don’t know how I would include collapsible sections; and you can only use two heading levels if you want valid literate Haskell.

It’s quite likely that there’s no single thing that will do exactly what I want, and I’m quite willing to do some “glue” work to put some pieces together. But I’d like to avoid as much wheel-reinvention as possible. Any ideas?