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diagrams repos now mirrored on github!

Posted on September 11, 2011
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I was quite excited when I learned that Owen Stephens was working on a two-way darcs-git bridge for his Google Summer of Code project. You see, I’m one of those holdouts who, despite acknowledging that github is pretty cool and a lot of people in the Haskell community are using it these days, still really loves darcs and refuses to give it up. Well, thanks to Owen’s great work, it looks like I can now have my cake and eat it too.

I’ve now mirrored four diagrams repositories on github:

I will continue to use darcs as my primary VCS, and of course I will still accept darcs patches (the darcs repos are hosted on patch-tag.com). But I can now accept pull requests on github, for contributors who prefer using git/github. It will probably take a while to get the kinks worked out and figure out how to manage everything properly. But I’m excited by the opportunity to encourage more collaboration.

Oh yes, and the user manual is coming along nicely! You can see a preview version here. Comments and patches (via either darcs or git!) welcome. There have also been quite a few cool features added since the 0.3 release, and we hope to have an 0.4 release out soon.