« BlogLiterately » New haxr release

BlogLiterately 0.4 release

Posted on July 2, 2012
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I have just released version 0.4 of BlogLiterately, a tool for authoring and uploading blog posts (especially Haskelly ones). Rob Greayer authored the first few versions of this useful tool, for which I’m very thankful. However, he doesn’t have the time or interest to maintain it anymore, and I had a few ideas for extending and improving it, so I offered to take over as the maintainer.

The full (dog-fooded) documentation can be found here. This blog post is just to announce the release and show off a few capabilities.

Posts are written in Markdown format (as recognized by pandoc), and BlogLiterately handles converting them to HTML and uploading them to any blog that supports the MetaWeblog API (such as WordPress). Haskell code can be syntax highlighted using hscolour (and any code can be syntax highlighted using highlighting-kate):

> -- An awesome Haskell function
> fib :: Integer -> Integer
> fib 0 = 0
> fib 1 = 1
> fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)

Special support for WordPress LaTeX is built in: \(\pi^2 / 6\). ghci sessions can be automatically generated from a list of inputs:

ghci> fib 20  

ghci> [1..10]  

The one major planned feature that is still missing is uploading of embedded images. Sadly, this feature ran into a major roadblock in the form of inexplicably closed HTTP connections (can you help answer my StackOverflow question?). Ultimately my goal is to have completely automated support for writing blog posts with inline diagrams code.
