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Diagrams 0.6

Posted on December 12, 2012
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I am pleased to announce the release of version 0.6 of diagrams, a full-featured framework and embedded domain-specific language for declarative drawing. Check out the gallery for examples of what it can do!

Highlights of this release include:

Try it out

For the truly impatient:

cabal install diagrams

Diagrams is supported under GHC 7.0 through 7.6, with the exception that the cairo and gtk backends do not build under GHC 7.0 (but the SVG backend does), and the gtk backend does not build under GHC 7.6.

To get started with diagrams, read the quick tutorial, which will introduce you to the fundamentals of the framework.

For those who are less impatient and want to really dig in and use the power features, read the user manual.

Get involved

Subscribe to the project mailing list, and/or come hang out in the #diagrams IRC channel on freenode.org for help and discussion. Make some diagrams. Fix some bugs. Submit your cool examples for inclusion in the gallery or your cool code for inclusion in the diagrams-contrib package!

Happy diagramming!

Brought to you by the diagrams team:

with contributions from: