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Catsters guide

Posted on January 14, 2014

tl;dr: http://byorgey.wordpress.com/catsters-guide-2/

In an attempt to solidify and extend my knowledge of category theory, I have been working my way through the excellent series of category theory lectures posted on Youtube by Eugenia Cheng and Simon Willerton, aka the Catsters.

Edsko de Vries used to have a listing of the videos, but it is no longer available. After wresting a copy from a Google cache, I began working my way through the videos, but soon discovered that Edsko’s list was organized by subject, not topologically sorted. So I started making my own list, and have put it up here in the hopes that it may be useful to others. Suggestions, corrections, improvements, etc. are of course welcome!

As far as possible, I have tried to arrange the order so that each video only depends on concepts from earlier ones. Along with each video you can also find my cryptic notes; I make no guarantee that they will be useful to anyone (even me!), but hopefully they will at least give you an idea of what is in each video.

I have a goal to watch two videos per week (at which rate it will take me about nine months to watch all of them); I will keep the list updated with new video links and notes as I go.