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Maniac week

Posted on August 4, 2014
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Inspired by Bethany Soule (and indirectly by Nick Winter, and also by the fact that my dissertation defense and the start of the semester are looming), I am planning a “maniac week” while Joyia and Noah will be at the beach with my family (I will join them just for the weekend). The idea is to eliminate as many distractions as possible and to do a ton of focused work. Publically committing (like this) to a time frame, ground rules, and to putting up a time-lapse video of it afterwards are what actually make it work—if I don’t succeed I’ll have to admit it here on my blog; if I waste time on Facebook the whole internet will see it in the video; etc. (There’s actually no danger of wasting time on Facebook in particular since I have it blocked, but you get the idea.)

Here are the rules:

And no, I’m not crazy. You (yes, you) could do this too.