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Experience report: oral final exam

Posted on October 2, 2015
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This past spring I taught a standard data structures course (stacks, queues, binary trees, heaps, asymptotic analysis, that kind of thing). Inspired by a group I participated in exploring pedagogy and course design—led by the wonderful Betsy Burris—I decided to give an oral final exam instead of a typical written exam. For whatever reason, oral exams don’t seem very popular in the US these days, but overall I think my experiment was a success and I definitely hope to repeat it in the future. This post reports on how I organized things, what went well and poorly, and what I learned overall. I’d love to hear from anyone else who tries something like this in their own course. I’m also happy to answer questions, either in a comment on this post or via email.

Exam content

I prepared three questions for the exam. The first was fairly simple (“explain algorithm X and analyze its time complexity”) and I actually told the students ahead of time what it would be—to help them feel more comfortable and prepared. The other questions were a bit more open-ended:

Overall I was happy with the questions and the quality of the responses they elicited. If I do this again I would use similar sorts of questions.


You might well be wondering how long all of this took. I had about 30 students. I planned for the exam to take 30 minutes, and blocked out 45-minute chunks of time (to allow time for transitioning and for the exam to go a bit over 30 minutes if necessary; in practice the exams always went at least 40 minutes and I was scrambling at the end to jot down final thoughts before the next students showed up). I allowed them to choose whether to come in by themselves or with a partner (more on this later). As seems typical, about 1/3 of them chose to come by themselves, and the other 2/3 in pairs, for a total of about 20 exam slots. 20 slots at 45 minutes per slot comes out to 15 hours, or 3 hours per day for a week. This might sound like a lot, but if you compare it to the time required for a traditional written exam it compares quite favorably. First of all, I spent only two or three hours preparing the exam, whereas I estimate I would easily spend 5 or 10 hours preparing a written exam—a written exam has to be very precise in explaining what is wanted and in trying to anticipate potential questions and confusions. When you are asking the questions in person, it is easy to just clear up these confusions as they arise. Second, I was mostly grading students during their exam (more on this in the next section) so that by about five minutes after the end of their slot I had their exam completely graded. With a written exam, I could easily have spent at least 15 hours just grading all the exams.

So overall, the oral exam took up less of my time, and I can tell you, hands down, that my time was spent much more enjoyably than it would have been with a written exam. It was really fun to have each student come into my office, to get a chance to talk with them individually (or as a pair) and see what they had learned. It felt like a fitting end to the semester.


In order to assess the students, I prepared a detailed rubric beforehand, which was really critical. With a written exam you can just give the exam and then later come up with a rubric when you go to grade them (although I think even written exams are usually improved by coming up with a rubric beforehand, as part of the exam design process—it helps you to analyze whether your exam is really assessing the things you want it to). For an oral exam, this is impossible: there is no way to remember all of the responses that each student gives, and even if you write down a bunch of notes during or after each exam, you would probably find later that you didn’t write down everything that you should have.

In any case, it worked pretty well to have a rubric in front of me, where I could check things off or jot down quick notes in real time.

Social aspects

People are often surprised when I say that I allowed the students to come in pairs. My reasons were as follows:

Overall I was really happy with the result. Many of the students had been working with a particular partner on their labs for the whole semester and came to the exam with that same partner. For quite a few pairs this obviously worked well for them: it was really fun to watch the back-and-forth between them as they suggested different ideas, debated, corrected each other, and occasionally even seemed to forget that I was in the room.

One might worry about mismatched pairs, where one person does all of the talking and the other is just along for the ride. I only had this happen to some extent with one or two pairs. I told all the students up front that I would take points off in this sort of situation (I ended up taking off 10%). In the end this almost certainly meant that one member of the pair still ended up with a higher grade than they would have had they taken the exam individually. I decided I just didn’t care. I imagine I might rethink this for an individual class where there were many of these sorts of pairings going on during the semester—but in that case I would also try to do something about it before the final exam.

Another interesting social aspect of the process was figuring out what to do when students were floundering. One explicit thing one can do is to offer a hint in exchange for a certain number of points off, but I only ended up using this explicit option a few times. More often, after the right amount of time, I simply guided them on to the next part, either by suggesting that we move on in the interest of time, or by giving them whatever part of the answer they needed to move on to the next part of the question. I then took off points appropriately in my grading.

It was difficult figuring out how to verbally respond to students: on the one hand, stony-faced silence would be unnatural and unnerving; on the other hand, responding enthusiastically when they said something correct would give too much away (i.e. by the absence of such a response when they said something incorrect). As the exams went on I got better (I think) at giving interested-yet-non-committal sorts of responses that encouraged the students but didn’t give too much away. But I still found this to be one of the most perplexing challenges of the whole process.


One might wonder how much of the material from an entire semester can really be covered in a 30-minute conversation. Of course, you most certainly cannot cover every single detail. But you can actually cover quite a lot of the important ideas, along with enough details to get a sense for whether a student understands the details or not. In the end, after all, I don’t care whether a student remembers all the details from my course. Heck, I don’t even remember all the details from my course. But I care a great deal about whether they remember the big ideas, how the details fit, and how to re-derive or look up the details that they have forgotten. Overall, I am happy with the way the exam was able to cover the high points of the syllabus and to test students’ grasp of its breadth.

My one regret, content-wise, is that with only 30 minutes, it’s not really possible to put truly difficult questions on the exam—the sorts of questions that students might have to wrestle with for ten or twenty minutes before getting a handle on them.

Next time

Would I do this again? Absolutely, given the right circumstances. But there are probably a few things I would change or experiment with. Here are a few off the top of my head:

Again, I’m happy to answer questions in the comments or by email. If you are inspired to also try giving an oral exam, let me know how it goes!