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The network reliability problem

Posted on February 19, 2016
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Let \(G = (V,E)\) be a directed graph with vertices \(V\) and edges \(E\). Multiple edges between the same pair of vertices are allowed. For concreteness’ sake, think of the vertices as routers, and the edges as (one-way) connections. Let \(\mathbb{P} = [0,1]\) denote the set of probabilities, and \(\varphi : E \to \mathbb{P}\) be a function which assigns some probability to each edge. Think of \(\varphi(e)\) as the probability that a single message sent along the edge \(e\) from the source router will successfully reach the target router on the other end.

Suppose that when a router receives a message on an incoming connection, it immediately resends it on all outgoing connections. For \(s,t \in V\), let \(P(s,t)\) denote the probability that, under this “flooding” scenario, at least one copy of a message originating at \(s\) will eventually reach \(t\).

For example, consider the simple network shown below.

A message sent from \(s\) along the upper route through \(r\) has an \(0.5 \times 0.9 = 0.45\) probability of arriving at \(t\). By definition a message sent along the bottom route has an \(0.7\) probability of arriving at \(t\). One way to think about computing the overall probability \(P(s,t)\) is to compute the probability that it is not the case that the message fails to traverse both links, that is, \(1 - (1 - 0.45)(1 - 0.7) = 1 - 0.165 = 0.835\). Alternatively, in general we can see that \(1 - (1 - p)(1 - q) = p + q - pq\), so \(0.45 + 0.7 - 0.45 \times 0.7 = 0.835\) as well. Intuitively, since the two events are not mutually exclusive, if we add them we are double-counting the situation where both links work, so we subtract the probability of both working.

The question is, given some graph \(G\) and some specified nodes \(s\) and \(t\), how can we efficiently compute \(P(s,t)\)? For now I am calling this the “network reliability problem” (though I fully expect someone to point out that it already has a name). Note that it might make the problem a bit easier to restrict to directed acyclic graphs; but the problem is still well-defined even in the presence of cycles.

This problem turned out to be surprisingly more difficult and interesting than it first appeared. In a future post or two I will explain my solution, with a Haskell implementation. In the meantime, feel free to chime in with thoughts, questions, solutions, or pointers to the literature.