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Algorithms lecture notes and assignments

Posted on May 15, 2017
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I just finished teaching our algorithms course for the second time. The first time around, last spring, I was always scrambling at the last minute to prepare for class, make new assignments, and so on (although I did have some excellent material from Brent Heeringa to start with). This time around, I had a bit more breathing room to develop a fuller set of assignments and actually TeX up all my hand-written lecture notes. The course is loosely based on the approach taken by Kleinberg and Tardos, though I don’t really rely on the book.

Feel free to use any of the lecture notes, assignments, or even exam questions. I didn’t leave the exams linked by accident; I use an exam format where the students have a week or so to prepare solutions to the exam, using any resources they want, and then have to come in on exam day and write down their solutions without referring to anything (I got this idea from Scott Weinstein). So leaving the exams posted publically on the web isn’t a problem for me.

Please don’t ask for solutions; I won’t give any, even if you are an instructor. But questions, comments, bug reports, etc. are most welcome.