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Test your intuition: logarithmic time

Posted on March 1, 2018
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Here is a question to test your intuition for logarithms. NO CALCULATORS allowed, and don’t take a long time to work out an answer in your head! Just go with your gut. After you have committed to a choice (say, by writing it down), then go get a calculator and a pencil and see if you can work out whether you were right!

On a certain input, an \(O(n)\) algorithm runs in one-tenth of a second. On the same input, an \(O(n^2)\) algorithm takes one and a half weeks to run. Approximately how long would an \(O(n \log n)\) algorithm take on the same input?

  1. a few seconds?
  2. a few minutes?
  3. a few hours?
  4. a few days?

I’m pretty sure it wasn’t until quite a few years out of undergrad that I would have gotten this right.