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Ertugrul Söylemez: 1985-2018

Posted on May 22, 2018
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I do not know many details, but IRC user mupf joined the #haskell-ops channel yesterday to tell us that Ertugrul Söylemez died unexpectedly on May 12. This is a great loss for the Haskell community. Going variously by mm_freak, ertes, ertesx or ertes-w, Ertugrul has been very active on the #haskell IRC channel for almost 11 years—since June 2007—and he will be remembered as a knowledgeable, generous, and patient teacher. In addition to teaching on IRC, he wrote several tutorials, such as this one on foldr and this one on monoids. The thing Ertugrul was probably most well-known for in the Haskell community was his netwire FRP package, which he had developed since 2011, and more recently its successor package wires. I think it is no exaggeration to say that his work on and insights into FRP helped shape a whole generation of approaches.

He will be greatly missed. I will leave the comments open for anyone to share memories of Ertugrul, his writing, or his code.