« Finding roots of polynomials in Haskell? » What’s the right way to QuickCheck floating-point routines?


Posted on February 16, 2019
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Thanks for the responses to my previous post about finding roots of polynomials; I now have some new avenues to explore. But today I want to write about something completely different. I recently stumbled across this fun paper by Miguel Lerna. I realized a Haskell implementation would be very elegant, and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share.


This is badsort.

> import Data.List (permutations, insert)
> badsort :: Ord a => Integer -> [a] -> [a]
> badsort 0 = foldr insert []
> badsort k = head . badsort (k-1) . permutations

Claim: badsort k is a correct sorting algorithm for any natural number k. Before reading further I recommend staring at that until you understand what it’s doing and why it works.

How badsort works

Badsort is very bad. Here’s how it works:

Here are a few examples to show that it works:

ghci> badsort 0 [3,1,2]

ghci> badsort 1 [3,1,2]  -- generates 6 permutations

ghci> badsort 2 [3,1,2]  -- generates 720 permutations of 6 permutations

badsort 3 [3,1,2], if we tried it (not recommended!!), would generate all possible permutations of the list of 720 permutations of the list of 6 permutations of [3,1,2]. The number of such permutations is, of course, \(720!\), which has \(1747\) decimal digits; there is literally not enough space in the universe to store all those permutations.

In general, badsort k is a correct sorting algorithm1 which takes time \(\Omega((n!^{(k)})^2)\), where \(n!^{(k)}\) denotes the \(k\)-fold iterated factorial of \(n\), that is, \(n!^{(0)} = n\) and \(n!^{(k+1)} = (n!^{(k)})!\). (This doesn’t even take into account the time for accessing memory; at this scale we certainly can’t assume memory access takes constant time. Fetching memory from a data center in another galaxy takes a while, you know? =)

It gets worse

> worstsort :: Ord a => (Integer -> Integer) -> [a] -> [a]
> worstsort f xs = badsort (f n) xs
>   where
>     n = fromIntegral $ length xs

Worstsort is parameterized by a function on natural numbers, and calls badsort with a recursion depth given by the function \(f\) applied to the length of the list. Oh my.

Just for fun, let’s try, oh, say, the Ackermann function.

> ack :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
> ack 0 n = n+1
> ack m 0 = ack (m-1) 1
> ack m n = ack (m-1) (ack m (n-1))
> diabolicalsort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
> diabolicalsort = worstsort (\n -> ack n n)

Here are some fun properties of diabolicalsort (and any other instantiation of worstsort):

The upshot of this, in the end, is that it is possible to make a “non-cheating” sorting algorithm whose running time grows faster than any computable function you care to choose (proof: take your chosen computable function and substitute it for f).

  1. It might be a fun exercise to prove this formally using a proof assistant.↩︎