« Competitive programming in Haskell: BFS, part 1 » Competitive programming in Haskell: BFS, part 3 (implementation via HashMap)

Competitive programming in Haskell: BFS, part 2 (alternative APIs)

Posted on October 18, 2021
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In my last post, I showed how we can solve Modulo Solitaire (and hopefully other BFS problems as well) using a certain API for BFS, which returns two functions: one, level :: v -> Maybe Int, gives the level (i.e. length of a shortest path to) of each vertex, and parent :: v -> Maybe v gives the parent of each vertex in the BFS forest. Before showing an implementation, I wanted to talk a bit more about this API and why I chose it.

In particular, Andrey Mokhov left a comment on my previous post with some alternative APIs:

bfsForest :: Ord a => [a] -> AdjacencyMap a -> Forest a
bfs :: Ord a => [a] -> AdjacencyMap a -> [[a]]

Of course, as Andrey notes, AdjacencyMap is actually a reified graph data structure, which we don’t want here, but that’s not essential; presumably the AdjacencyMap arguments in Andrey’s functions could easily be replaced by an implicit graph description instead. (Note that an API requiring an implicit representation is strictly more powerful, since if you have an explicit representation you can always just pass in a function which does lookups into your explicit representation.) However, Andrey raises a good point. Both these APIs return information which is not immediately available from my API.

In the final version of this BFS API, I will probably include some functions to recover forests and level sets as described above. Some benchmarking will be needed to see whether it’s more efficient to recover them after the fact or to actually keep track of them along the way.