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Competitive Programming in Haskell: Union-Find

Posted on November 2, 2024
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A union-find data structure (also known as a disjoint set data structure) keeps track of a collection of disjoint sets, typically with elements drawn from \(\{0, \dots, n-1\}\). For example, we might have the sets

\(\{1,3\}, \{0, 4, 2\}, \{5, 6, 7\}\)

A union-find structure must support three basic operations:

  • We can \(\mathit{create}\) a union-find structure with \(n\) singleton sets \(\{0\}\) through \(\{n-1\}\). (Alternatively, we could support two operations: creating an empty union-find structure, and adding a new singleton set; occasionally this more fine-grained approach is useful, but we will stick with the simpler \(\mathit{create}\) API for now.)

  • We can \(\mathit{find}\) a given \(x \in \{0, \dots, n-1\}\), returning some sort of “name” for the set \(x\) is in. It doesn’t matter what these names are; the only thing that matters is that for any \(x\) and \(y\), \(\mathit{find}(x) = \mathit{find}(y)\) if and only if \(x\) and \(y\) are in the same set. The most important application of \(\mathit{find}\) is therefore to check whether two given elements are in the same set or not.

  • We can \(\mathit{union}\) two elements, so the sets that contain them become one set. For example, if we \(\mathit{union}(2,5)\) then we would have

    \(\{1,3\}, \{0, 4, 2, 5, 6, 7\}\)

Note that \(\mathit{union}\) is a one-way operation: once two sets have been unioned together, there’s no way to split them apart again. (If both merging and splitting are required, one can use a link/cut tree, which is very cool—and possibly something I will write about in the future—but much more complex.) However, these three operations are enough for union-find structures to have a large number of interesting applications!

In addition, we can annotate each set with a value taken from some commutative semigroup. When creating a new union-find structure, we must specify the starting value for each singleton set; when unioning two sets, we combine their annotations via the semigroup operation.

  • For example, we could annotate each set with its size; singleton sets always start out with size 1, and every time we union two sets we add their sizes.
  • We could also annotate each set with the sum, product, maximum, or minumum of all its elements.
  • Of course there are many more exotic examples as well.

We typically use a commutative semigroup, as in the examples above; this guarantees that a given set always has a single well-defined annotation value, regardless of the sequence of union-find operations that were used to create it. However, we can actually use any binary operation at all (i.e. any magma), in which case the annotations on a set may reflect the precise tree of calls to \(\mathit{union}\) that were used to construct it; this can occasionally be useful.

  • For example, we could annotate each set with a list of values, and combine annotations using list concatenation; the order of elements in the list associated to a given set will depend on the order of arguments to \(\mathit{union}\).

  • We could also annotate each set with a binary tree storing values at the leaves. Each singleton set is annotated with a single leaf; to combine two trees we create a new branch node with the two trees as its children. Then each set ends up annotated with the precise tree of calls to \(\mathit{union}\) that were used to create it.

Implementing union-find

My implementation is based on one by Kwang Yul Seo, but I have modified it quite a bit. The code is also available in my comprog-hs repository. This blog post is not intended to be a comprehensive union-find tutorial, but I will explain some things as we go.

{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module UnionFind where

import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Array.ST

Let’s start with the definition of the UnionFind type itself. UnionFind has two type parameters: s is a phantom type parameter used to limit the scope to a given ST computation; m is the type of the arbitrary annotations. Note that the elements are also sometimes called “nodes”, since, as we will see, they are organized into trees.

type Node = Int
data UnionFind s m = UnionFind {

The basic idea is to maintain three mappings:

  • First, each element is mapped to a parent (another element). There are no cycles, except that some elements can be their own parent. This means that the elements form a forest of rooted trees, with the self-parenting elements as roots. We store the parent mapping as an STUArray (see here for another post where we used STUArray) for efficiency.
  parent :: !(STUArray s Node Node),
  • Each element is also mapped to a size. We maintain the invariant that for any element which is a root (i.e. any element which is its own parent), we store the size of the tree rooted at that element. The size associated to other, non-root elements does not matter.

    (Many implementations store the height of each tree instead of the size, but it does not make much practical difference, and the size seems more generally useful.)

  sz :: !(STUArray s Node Int),
  • Finally, we map each element to a custom annotation value; again, we only care about the annotation values for root nodes.
  ann :: !(STArray s Node m) }

To \(\mathit{create}\) a new union-find structure, we need a size and a function mapping each element to an initial annotation value. Every element starts as its own parent, with a size of 1. For convenience, we can also make a variant of createWith that gives every element the same constant annotation value.

createWith :: Int -> (Node -> m) -> ST s (UnionFind s m)
createWith n m =
    <$> newListArray (0, n - 1) [0 .. n - 1]    -- Every node is its own parent
    <*> newArray (0, n - 1) 1                   -- Every node has size 1
    <*> newListArray (0, n - 1) (map m [0 .. n - 1])

create :: Int -> m -> ST s (UnionFind s m)
create n m = createWith n (const m)

To perform a \(\mathit{find}\) operation, we keep following parent references up the tree until reaching a root. We can also do a cool optimization known as path compression: after finding a root, we can directly update the parent of every node along the path we just traversed to be the root. This means \(\mathit{find}\) can be very efficient, since it tends to create trees that are extremely wide and shallow.

find :: UnionFind s m -> Node -> ST s Node
find uf@(UnionFind {..}) x = do
  p <- readArray parent x
  if p /= x
    then do
      r <- find uf p
      writeArray parent x r
      pure r
    else pure x

connected :: UnionFind s m -> Node -> Node -> ST s Bool
connected uf x y = (==) <$> find uf x <*> find uf y

Finally, to implement \(\mathit{union}\), we find the roots of the given nodes; if they are not the same we make the root with the smaller tree the child of the other root, combining sizes and annotations as appropriate.

union :: Semigroup m => UnionFind s m -> Node -> Node -> ST s ()
union uf@(UnionFind {..}) x y = do
  x <- find uf x
  y <- find uf y
  when (x /= y) $ do
    sx <- readArray sz x
    sy <- readArray sz y
    mx <- readArray ann x
    my <- readArray ann y
    if sx < sy
      then do
        writeArray parent x y
        writeArray sz y (sx + sy)
        writeArray ann y (mx <> my)
      else do
        writeArray parent y x
        writeArray sz x (sx + sy)
        writeArray ann x (mx <> my)

Note the trick of writing x <- find uf x: this looks kind of like an imperative statement that updates the value of a mutable variable x, but really it just makes a new variable x which shadows the old one.

Finally, a few utility functions. First, one to get the size of the set containing a given node:

size :: UnionFind s m -> Node -> ST s Int
size uf@(UnionFind {..}) x = do
  x <- find uf x
  readArray sz x

Also, we can provide functions to update and fetch the custom annotation value associated to the set containing a given node.

updateAnn :: Semigroup m => UnionFind s m -> Node -> m -> ST s ()
updateAnn uf@(UnionFind {..}) x m = do
  x <- find uf x
  old <- readArray ann x
  writeArray ann x (old <> m)
  -- We could use modifyArray above, but the version of the standard library
  -- installed on Kattis doesn't have it

getAnn :: UnionFind s m -> Node -> ST s m
getAnn uf@(UnionFind {..}) x = do
  x <- find uf x
  readArray ann x


Here are a couple of problems I challenge you to solve for next time: