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FARM 2013: call for demonstration proposals

Posted on July 8, 2013
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Do you enjoy writing beautiful code to produce beautiful artifacts? Have something cool to show off at the intersection of functional programming and visual art, music, sound, modeling, visualization, or design?

The deadline for submitting a paper has passed, but the Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modeling and Design (FARM 2013) is currently seeking proposals for 10-20 minute demonstrations to be given during the workshop. For example, a demonstration could consist of a short tutorial, an exhibition of some work, or even a livecoding performance. Slots for demonstrations will be shorter than slots for accepted papers, and will not be published as part of the formal proceedings, but can be a great way to show off interesting work and get feedback from other workshop participants. A demonstration slot could be a particularly good way to get feedback on work-in-progress.

A demo proposal should consist of a 1 page abstract, in PDF format, explaining the proposed content of the demonstration and why it would be of interest to the attendees of FARM. Proposals will be judged on interest and relevance to the stated goals and themes of the workshop.

Submissions can be made via EasyChair.