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Counting inversions with monoidal sparks

Posted on October 6, 2018
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Time for me to reveal the example I had in mind that led to the generalization in my previous post. Thanks for all the interesting comments: it seems like there are some interesting connections to be explored (e.g. to the algebra of graphs, formal group laws, …?)!

This is a literate Haskell post; download it and play along in ghci! (Note it requires GHC 8.6 since I couldn’t resist making use of DerivingVia…)

> {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures          #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies         #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia                #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications           #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
> import Data.Semigroup
> import Data.Coerce

Consider a sequence of integers \(\sigma = a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n\). (Actually, integers is too specific; any linearly ordered domain will do.) An inversion is a pair of positions in \(\sigma\) which are “out of order”: that is, \((i,j)\) such that \(i < j\) but \(a_i > a_j\). So, for example, \(\sigma = [3,5,1,4,2]\) has six inversions, namely \((3,1), (3,2), (5,1), (5,4), (5,2), (4,2)\). (Here I’ve written the elements that are out of order rather than their positions, which doesn’t matter much when the elements are all distinct; but it’s important to keep in mind that e.g. \([2,2,1]\) has two inversions, not one, because each copy of \(2\) makes an inversion with the \(1\).) The total number of inversions of \(\sigma\) is denoted \(\mathrm{inv}(\sigma)\).

One way to think about the inversion count is as a measure of how far away the sequence is from being sorted. In particular, bubble sort will make precisely \(\mathrm{inv}(\sigma)\) adjacent swaps while sorting \(\sigma\). The highest possible value of \(\mathrm{inv}(\sigma)\) is \(n(n-1)/2\), when \(\sigma\) is sorted in reverse order.

The obvious brute-force algorithm to count inversions is to use two nested loops to enumerate all possible pairs of elements, and increment a counter each time we discover a pair which is out of order. This clearly takes \(O(n^2)\) time. Can it be done any faster?

It turns out the (generally well-known) answer is yes, using a variant of mergesort. The trick is to generalize to counting inversions and sorting the sequence at the same time. First split the sequence in half, and recursively sort and count the inversions in each half. Any inversion in the original sequence must either be entirely contained in one of the two halves (these will be counted by the recursive calls), or have one endpoint in the left half and one in the right. One key observation at this point is that any inversion with one endpoint in each half will still be an inversion even after independently sorting the two halves. The other key observation is that we can merge the two sorted subsequences and count inversions between them in linear time. Use the usual two-finger algorithm for merging two sorted sequences; each time we take an element from the right subsequence, it’s because it is less than all the remaining elements in the left subsequence, but it was to the right of all of them, so we can add the length of the remaining left subsequence to the inversion count. Intuitively, it’s this ability to count a bunch of inversions in one step which allows this algorithm to be more efficient, since any algorithm which only ever increments an inversion counter is doomed to be \(O(n^2)\) no matter how cleverly it splits up the counting. In the end, the number of total inversions is the sum of the inversions counted recursively in the two sublists, plus any inversions between the two sublists.

Here’s some Haskell code implementing this sorted-merge-and-inversion-count. We have to be a bit careful because we don’t want to call length on the remaining sublist at every step (that would ruin the asymptotic performance!), so we precompute the length and pass along the length of the left subsequence as an extra parameter which we keep up-to-date as we recurse.

> -- Precondition: the input lists are sorted.
> -- Output the sorted merge of the two lists, and the number of pairs
> -- (a,b) such that a \in xs, b \in ys with a > b.
> mergeAndCount :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> ([a], Int)
> mergeAndCount xs ys = go xs (length xs) ys
>   -- precondition/invariant for go xs n ys:   n == length xs
>   where
>     go [] _ ys = (ys, 0)
>     go xs _ [] = (xs, 0)
>     go (x:xs) n (y:ys)
>       | x <= y    = let (m, i) = go xs (n-1) (y:ys) in (x:m, i)
>       | otherwise = let (m, i) = go (x:xs) n ys     in (y:m, i + n)
> merge :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
> merge xs ys = fst (mergeAndCount xs ys)
> inversionsBetween :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> Int
> inversionsBetween xs ys = snd (mergeAndCount xs ys)

Do you see how this is an instance of the sparky monoid construction in my previous post? \(A\) is the set of sorted lists with merge as the monoid operation; \(B\) is the natural numbers under addition. The spark operation takes two sorted lists and counts the number of inversions between them. So the monoid on pairs \(A \times B\) merges the lists, and adds the inversion counts together with the number of inversions between the two lsits.

We have to verify that this satisfies the laws: let \(a\) be any sorted list, then we need

Note that \(A\) and \(B\) are commutative monoids, but the spark operation isn’t commutative; in fact, any given pair of elements is an inversion between a1 and a2 precisely iff they are not an inversion between a2 and a1. Note also that \(A\) and \(B\) aren’t idempotent; for example merging a sorted list with itself produces not the same list, but a new list with two copies of each element.

So let’s see some more Haskell code to implement the entire algorithm in a nicely modular way. First, let’s encode sparky monoids in general. The Sparky class is for pairs of types with a spark operation. As we saw in the example above, sometimes it may be more efficient to compute \(a_1 \diamond a_2\) and the spark \(a_1 \cdot a_2\) at the same time, so we bake that possibility into the class.

> class Sparky a b where

The basic spark operation, with a default implementation that projects the result out of the prodSpark method.

>   (<.>) :: a -> a -> b
>   a1 <.> a2 = snd (prodSpark a1 a2)

prodSpark does the monoidal product and spark at the same time, with a default implementation that just does them separately.

>   prodSpark :: a -> a -> (a,b)
>   default prodSpark :: Semigroup a => a -> a -> (a,b)
>   prodSpark a1 a2 = (a1 <> a2, a1 <.> a2)

Finally we can specify that we have to implement one or the other of these methods.

>   {-# MINIMAL (<.>) | prodSpark #-}

Sparked a b is just a pair type, but with Semigroup and Monoid instances that implement the sparky product.

> data Sparked a b = S { getA :: a, getSpark :: b }
>   deriving Show
> class Semigroup a => CommutativeSemigroup a
> class (Monoid a, CommutativeSemigroup a) => CommutativeMonoid a
> instance (Semigroup a, CommutativeSemigroup b, Sparky a b) => Semigroup (Sparked a b) where
>   S a1 b1 <> S a2 b2 = S a' (b1 <> b2 <> b')
>     where (a', b') = prodSpark a1 a2
> instance (Monoid a, CommutativeMonoid b, Sparky a b) => Monoid (Sparked a b) where
>   mempty = S mempty mempty

Now we can make instances for sorted lists under merge…

> newtype Sorted a = Sorted [a]
>   deriving Show
> instance Ord a => Semigroup (Sorted a) where
>   Sorted xs <> Sorted ys = Sorted (merge xs ys)
> instance Ord a => Monoid (Sorted a) where
>   mempty = Sorted []
> instance Ord a => CommutativeSemigroup (Sorted a)
> instance Ord a => CommutativeMonoid (Sorted a)

…and for inversion counts.

> newtype InvCount = InvCount Int
>   deriving newtype Num
>   deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via Sum Int
> instance CommutativeSemigroup InvCount
> instance CommutativeMonoid InvCount

Finally we make the Sparky (Sorted a) InvCount instance, which is just mergeAndCount (some conversion between newtypes is required, but we can get the compiler to do it automagically via coerce and a bit of explicit type application).

> instance Ord a => Sparky (Sorted a) InvCount where
>   prodSpark = coerce (mergeAndCount @a)

And here’s a function to turn a single a value into a sorted singleton list paired with an inversion count of zero, which will come in handy later.

> single :: a -> Sparked (Sorted a) InvCount
> single a = S (Sorted [a]) 0

Finally, we can make some generic infrastructure for doing monoidal folds. First, Parens a encodes lists of a which have been explicitly associated, i.e. fully parenthesized:

> data Parens a = Leaf a | Node (Parens a) (Parens a)
>   deriving Show

We can make a generic fold for Parens a values, which maps each Leaf into the result type b, and replaces each Node with a binary operation:

> foldParens :: (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> b) -> Parens a -> b
> foldParens lf _  (Leaf a)   = lf a
> foldParens lf nd (Node l r) = nd (foldParens lf nd l) (foldParens lf nd r)

Now for a function which splits a list in half recursively to produce a balanced parenthesization.

> balanced :: [a] -> Parens a
> balanced []  = error "List must be nonempty"
> balanced [a] = Leaf a
> balanced as  = Node (balanced as1) (balanced as2)
>   where (as1, as2) = splitAt (length as `div` 2) as

Finally, we can make a balanced variant of foldMap: instead of just mapping a function over a list and then reducing with mconcat, as foldMap does, it first creates a balanced parenthesization for the list and then reduces via the given monoid. This will always give the same result as foldMap due to associativity, but in some cases it may be more efficient.

> foldMapB :: Monoid m => (e -> m) -> [e] -> m
> foldMapB leaf = foldParens leaf (<>) . balanced

Let’s try it out!

λ> :set +s
λ> getSpark $ foldMap single [3000, 2999 .. 1 :: Int]
Sum {getSum = 4498500}
(34.94 secs, 3,469,354,896 bytes)
λ> getSpark $ foldMapB single [3000, 2999 .. 1 :: Int]
Sum {getSum = 4498500}
(0.09 secs, 20,016,936 bytes)

Empirically, it does seem that we are getting quadratic performance with normal foldMap, but \(O(n \log n)\) with foldMapB. We can verify that we are getting the correct inversion count in either case, since we know there should be \(n(n-1)/2\) when the list is reversed, and sure enough, \(3000 \cdot 2999 / 2 = 4498500\).