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What’s the Difference? video and slides

Posted on October 20, 2018
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At ICFP in St. Louis I presented my paper with Kenny Foner, What’s the Difference? A Functional Pearl on Subtracting Bijections. Many people seemed to enjoy the talk and we got lots of great feedback afterwards. We will probably write up an extended version of the paper for JFP, to include extra stuff we could not fit in the paper and to incorporate things we learned at ICFP.

(Fun fact: this was actually my first ICFP talk—though not my first ICFP paper. I am glad I have a bunch of experience giving talks at this point; I can remember a time in my life when giving a talk on that stage would have been terrifying.)

Here is the video of the talk:


You can download my slides here. This version of the slides includes speaking notes—it’s not exactly what I ended up saying, but it should give you a decent idea if you just want to read the slides without watching the video.