Competitive programming in Haskell: 2D cross product, part 1
Time for some more geometry! In my previous post I challenged you to solve Cookie Cutters, which asks us to scale the vertices of a polygon so that it has a certain prescribed area. It’s possible to solve this just by looking up an algorithm for computing the area of a polygon (see the “shoelace formula”). But the way to get good at solving geometry problems is not by memorizing a bunch of formulas, but rather by understanding a few general primitives and principles which can be assembled to solve a wide range of problems.
Incidentally, if you’re serious about getting good at geometric problems in competitive programming, then you absolutely must read Victor Lecomte’s Handbook of geometry for competitive programmers. (It’s still a great read even if you’re not serious!)
The 2D cross product
In two dimensions, given vectors and , we can compute their cross product as
One useful way to understand this as giving the signed area of the parallelogram determined by and . The area is positive when is counterclockwise from , negative when it is clockwise, and zero when the two vectors are colinear (i.e. parallel or antiparallel).
I’m not going to prove this here, since to be quite honest I don’t remember off the top of my head how to derive it. (Also, geometric algebra does a much better job of explaining where this comes from and generalizing to any number of dimensions; in particular, is the coefficient of the bivector resulting from the outer product of and . But that would take us much too far afield for now!)
So let’s write some Haskell code to compute the cross product of 2D vectors. (All this code has of course been added to Geom.hs.)
cross :: Num s => V2 s -> V2 s -> s
cross (V2 ux uy) (V2 vx vy) = ux*vy - vx*uy
crossP :: Num s => P2 s -> P2 s -> P2 s -> s
crossP p1 p2 p3 = cross (p2 ^-^ p1) (p3 ^-^ p1)
type P2 s = V2 s
type P2D = P2 Double
A few things to note:
works over any scalar type which is an instance ofNum
. In solving Cookie Cutters, this is going to beDouble
, but it could also be, e.g.Integer
. -
For convenience,
is a variant ofcross
that takes three points as arguments, and computes the cross product of the vector from the first to the second with the vector from the first to the third. In many instances where we want to use the cross product, we actually have the coordinates of three points/vertices. -
We’ve added
as type aliases forV2
. They are just aliases, not newtypes, to reduce the need for separate operators that work on points vs vectors, but it’s still helpful to have different type aliases to at least alert us to whether our functions morally want to be given vectors or points as arguments.
Now, keeping in mind the fundamental interpretation of the 2D cross product as computing the signed area of a parallelogram, we can derive a few other operations. First, given the three vertices of a triangle, we can compute the signed area of the triangle as half of the cross product (because the triangle is half the parallelogram). Note that the order of the vertices matters: the area will be positive if they are in counterclockwise order, and negative if clockwise. Swapping any two vertices negates the result. If we want the normal nonnegative area of a triangle regardless of the order of the vertices, of course we can just take the absolute value.
signedTriArea :: Fractional s => P2 s -> P2 s -> P2 s -> s
signedTriArea p1 p2 p3 = crossP p1 p2 p3 / 2
triArea :: Fractional s => P2 s -> P2 s -> P2 s -> s
triArea p1 p2 p3 = abs (signedTriArea p1 p2 p3)
(Notice the Fractional
constraint since we have to divide by two.) At first glance, you might think the concept of “signed triangle area” is silly and useless. But it turns out to be the key to understanding the “shoelace formula”.
The shoelace formula for polygon area
Imagine first that we have a convex polygon. If we pick a point somewhere in its interior (say, the centroid) and draw lines from the central point to every vertex, we chop up the polygon into triangles. Obviously, adding up the areas of these triangles will give us the area of the polygon.
What’s much less obvious is that if we add up the signed area of each triangle, it still works even if (1) the polygon is not convex, and/or (2) the “central point” is not in the interior of the polygon! That is, we just pick some arbitrary “central point” (the origin works nicely) and compute the signed area of the triangle formed by the origin and each edge of the polygon. A sort of magical inclusion-exclusion thing happens where all the area outside the polygon gets canceled out, and all the area inside ends up getting counted exactly once. Rather than try to prove this to you, I’ll just illustrate some examples.
So, here’s the Haskell code. signedPolyArea
yields a positive area if the vertices of the polygon are in “counterclockwise order” (puzzle: what does “counterclockwise order” mean for a non-convex polygon? Hint: look up “winding number”; this is also the key to a formal proof that all of this works), and negative if they are clockwise.
signedPolyArea :: Fractional s => [P2 s] -> s
signedPolyArea pts = sum $ zipWith (signedTriArea zero) pts (tail pts ++ [head pts])
polyArea :: Fractional s => [P2 s] -> s
polyArea = abs . signedPolyArea
The “shoelace formula”, as it is usually presented, falls out if you inline the zero
argument to signedTriArea
and then simplify the result. It would be possible to do this and code an optimized version of signedPolyArea
that uses the shoelace formula more directly, but I much prefer having this version which is built out of meaningful and reusable components!
Incidentally, there is a 3D analogue to the shoelace formula for computing the volume of a 3D polyhedron, but it requires some care to first make sure all the faces are oriented in a compatible way; see section 3.5 of Lecomte.
Other utilities
I added a couple more utilities to Geom.hs
which we will need. First, since we need to scale polygons up or down to give a required area, we need the concept of multiplying a vector by a scalar:
(*^) :: Num s => s -> V2 s -> V2 s
k *^ (V2 x y) = V2 (k*x) (k*y)
Also, to help with reading vectors from the input, I added this combinator:
v2 :: Applicative f => f s -> f (V2 s)
v2 s = V2 <$> s <*> s
The idea is to use it with f ~ Scanner
. For example, if double :: Scanner Double
then we can write v2 double :: Scanner (V2 Double)
Last but not least, I also added getX
and getY
field labels to the V2
type, for when we need to extract the coordinates of a point or vector:
data V2 s = V2 { getX :: !s, getY :: !s } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
Cookie cutting
Finally, here’s my solution to Cookie Cutters. First, some imports and main
, which just scans the input, generates the required scaled and translated list of vertices, and then formats the output.
import Control.Arrow
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Text.Printf
import Geom
import Scanner
main = interact $
runScanner scan >>> solve >>> map (F.toList >>> map (printf "%.5f") >>> unwords) >>> unlines
Here’s the data type for storing the input, along with a Scanner
for it. Notice how we use v2 double’
to read in 2D vectors (well, actually points!) in the input. The annoying thing is that some floating-point values in the input are formatted like .5
, with no leading 0
, and read “.5” :: Double
crashes. Hence the need for the double’
scanner below, which reads a string token and potentially adds a leading zero before conversion to Double
data TC = TC { polygon :: [P2D], area :: Double }
scan :: Scanner TC
scan = do
n <- int
TC <$> n `times` (v2 double') <*> double'
double' :: Scanner Double
double' = (read . fixup) <$> str
fixup s@('.':_) = '0':s
fixup s = s
And finally, putting the pieces together to solve the meat of the problem. We first compute the area of the given polygon using polyArea
, then divide the desired area by the original area to find the factor by which the area must increase (or decrease). Area scales as the square of distance, so we must take the square root of this factor to find the factor by which the vertices must scale. We simply scale all the vertices appropriately, then find the minimum x and y coordinates so we can translate by their negation, to make the polygon touch the positive x and y axes as required.
solve :: TC -> [P2D]
solve (TC ps a) = map (^-^ V2 xmin ymin) ps'
a0 = polyArea ps
s = sqrt (a / a0) -- scaling factor to get the desired area
ps' = map (s *^) ps
xmin = minimum (map getX ps')
ymin = minimum (map getY ps')
Next time: Chair Hopping
For next time I invite you to solve Chair Hopping. Warning, this one is rather difficult! But I had a lot of fun solving it, and the solution touches on several interesting topics (in fact, I’ll probably need more than one blog post).