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Competitive Programming in Haskell: sieving with mutable arrays

Posted on June 21, 2024
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In a previous post I challenged you to solve Product Divisors. In this problem, we are given a sequence of positive integers \(a_1, \dots, a_n\), and we are asked to compute the total number of divisors of their product. For example, if we are given the numbers \(4, 2, 3\), then the answer should be \(8\), since \(4 \times 2 \times 3 = 24\) has the \(8\) distinct divisors \(1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24\).

Counting divisors

In general, if \(a\) has the prime factorization \(a = p_1^{\alpha_1} p_2^{\alpha_2} \cdots p_k^{\alpha_k}\) (where the \(p_i\) are all distinct primes), then the number of divisors of \(a\) is

\[(\alpha_1 + 1)(\alpha_2 + 1) \cdots (\alpha_k + 1),\]

since we can independently choose how many powers of each prime to include. There are \(\alpha_i + 1\) choices for \(p_i\) since we can choose anything from \(p_i^0\) up to \(p_i^{\alpha_i}\), inclusive.

So at a fundamental level, the solution is clear: factor each \(a_i\), count up the number of copies of each prime in their product, then do something like map (+1) >>> product. We are also told the answer should be given mod \(10^9 + 7\), so we can use aUsing Int instead of Integer here is OK as long as we are sure to be running on a 64-bit system; multiplying two Int values up to \(10^9 + 7\) yields a result that still fits within a 64-bit signed Int. Otherwise (e.g. on Codeforces) we would have to use Integer.

newtype with a custom Num instance:

p :: Int
p = 10^9 + 7

newtype M = M { unM :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show M where show = show . unM
instance Num M where
  fromInteger = M . (`mod` p) . fromInteger
  M x + M y = M ((x + y) `mod` p)
  M x - M y = M ((x - y) `mod` p)
  M x * M y = M ((x * y) `mod` p)

A naïve solution (TLE)

Of course, I would not be writing about this problem if it were that easy! If we try implementing the above solution idea in a straightforward way—for example, if we take the simple factoring code from this blog post and then do something like map factor >>> M.unionsWith (+) >>> M.elems >>> map (+1) >>> product, we get the dreaded Time Limit Exceeded.

Why doesn’t this work? I haven’t mentioned how many integers might be in the input: in fact, we might be given as many as one million (\(10^6\))! We need to be able to factor each number very quickly if we’re going to finish within the one second time limit. Factoring each number from scratch by trial division is simply too slow.

Factoring via sieve

While more sophisticated methods are needed to factor a single number more quickly than trial division, there is a standard technique we can use to speed things up when we need to factor many numbers. We can use a sieve to precompute a lookup table, which we can then use to factor numbers very quickly.

In particular, we will compute a table \(\mathit{smallest}\) such that \(\mathit{smallest}[i]\) will store the smallest prime factor of \(i\). Given this table, to factor a positive integer \(i\), we simply look up \(\mathit{smallest}[i] = p\), add it to the prime factorization, then recurse on \(i/p\); the base case is when \(i = 1\).

How do we compute \(\mathit{smallest}\)? The basic idea is to create an array of size \(n\), initializing it with \(\mathit{smallest}[k] = k\). For each \(k\) from \(2\) up to \(n\),We could optimize this even further via the approach in this blog post, which takes \(O(n)\) rather than \(O(n \lg n)\) time, but it would complicate our Haskell quite a bit and it’s not needed for solving this problem.

if \(\mathit{smallest}[k]\) is still equal to \(k\), then \(k\) must be prime; iterate through multiples of \(k\) (starting with \(k^2\), since any smaller multiple of \(k\) is already divisible by a smaller prime) and set each \(\mathit{smallest}[ki]\) to the minimum of \(k\) and whatever value it had before.

Sieving in Haskell

This is one of those cases where for efficiency’s sake, we actually want to use an honest-to-goodness mutable array. Immutable arrays are not a good fit for sieving, and using something like a Map would introduce a lot of overhead that we would rather avoid. However, we only need the table to be mutable while we are computing it; after that, it should just be an immutable lookup table. This is a great fit for an STUArray:Note that as of this writing, the version of the array library installed in the Kattis environment does not have modifyArray', so we actually have to do readArray followed by writeArray.

maxN = 1000000

smallest :: UArray Int Int
smallest = runSTUArray $ do
  a <- newListArray (2,maxN) [2 ..]
  forM_ [2 .. maxN] $ \k -> do
    k' <- readArray a k
    when (k == k') $ do
      forM_ [k*k, k*(k+1) .. maxN] $ \n ->
        modifyArray' a n (min k)
  return a

Haskell, the world’s finest imperative programming language!

Combining factorizations

We can now write a new factor function that works by repeatedly looking up the smallest prime factor:

factor :: Int -> Map Int Int
factor = \case
  1 -> M.empty
  n -> M.insertWith (+) p 1 (factor (n `div` p))
    p = smallest!n

And now we can just do map factor >>> M.unionsWith (+) >>> M.elems >>> map (+1) >>> product as before, but since our factor is so much faster this time, it should…

What’s that? Still TLE? Sigh.

Counting primes via a (second) mutable array

Unfortunately, creating a bunch of Map values and then doing unionsWith one million times still introduces way too much overhead. For many problems working with Map (which is impressively fast) is good enough, but not in this case. Instead of returning a Map from each call to factor and then later combining them, we can write a version of factor that directly increments counters for each prime in a mutable array:

factor :: STUArray s Int Int -> Int -> ST s ()
factor counts n = go n
    go 1 = return ()
    go n = do
      let p = smallest!n
      modifyArray' counts p (+1)
      go (n `div` p)

Then we have the following top-level solution, which is finally fast enough:

main :: IO ()
main = C.interact $ runScanner (numberOf int) >>> solve >>> showB

solve :: [Int] -> M
solve = counts >>> elems >>> map ((+1) >>> M) >>> product

counts :: [Int] -> UArray Int Int
counts ns = runSTUArray $ do
  cs <- newArray (2,maxN) 0
  forM_ ns (factor cs)
  return cs

This solution runs in just over 0.4s for me. Considering that this is only about 4x slower than the fastest solution (0.09s, in C++), I’m pretty happy with it! We did have to sacrifice a bit of elegance for speed, especially with the factor and counts functions instead of M.unionsWith, but in the end it’s not too bad.

I thought we might be able to make this even faster by using a strict fold over the counts array instead of converting to a list with elems and then doing a map and a product, but (1) there is no generic fold operation on UArray, and (2) I trust that GHC is already doing a pretty good job optimizing this via list fusion.

Next time

Next time I’ll write about my solution to the other challenge problem, Factor-Full Tree. Until then, give it a try!