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Rivers: eventually constant streams in Haskell

Posted on July 18, 2024
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Lately I’ve been thinking about representing eventually constant streams in Haskell. An eventually constant stream is an infinite stream which eventually, after some finite prefix, starts repeating the same value forever. For example,

\(6, 8, 2, 9, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, \dots\)

There are many things we can do in a decidable way with eventually constant streams that we can’t do with infinite streams in general—for example, test them for equality.

This is a work in progress. I only have one specific use case in mind (infinite-precision two’s complement arithmetic, explained at the end of the post), so I would love to hear of other potential use cases, or any other feedback. Depending on the feedback I may eventually turn this into a package on Hackage.

This blog post is typeset from a literate Haskell file; if you want to play along you can download the source from GitHub.

The River type

Some preliminaries:

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module River where

import Data.Monoid (All (..), Any (..))
import Data.Semigroup (Max (..), Min (..))
import Prelude hiding (all, and, any, drop, foldMap, maximum, minimum, or, repeat, take, zipWith, (!!))
import Prelude qualified as P

Now let’s get to the main definition. A value of type River a is either a constant C a, representing an infinite stream of copies of a, or a Cons with an a and a River a.

data River a = C !a | Cons !a !(River a)
  deriving Functor

I call this a River since “all Rivers flow to the C”!

The strictness annotations on the a values just seem like a good idea in general. The strictness annotation on the River a tail, however, is more interesting: it’s there to rule out infinite streamsAlthough the strictness annotation on the River a is semantically correct, I could imagine not wanting it there for performance reasons; I’d be happy to hear any feedback on this point.

constructed using only Cons, such as flipflop = Cons 0 (Cons 1 flipflop). In other words, the only way to make a non-bottom value of type Stream a is to have a finite sequence of Cons finally terminated by C.

We need to be a bit careful here, since there are multiple ways to represent streams which are semantically supposed to be the same. For example, Cons 1 (Cons 1 (C 1)) and C 1 both represent an infinite stream of all 1’s. In general, we have the law

C a === Cons a (C a),

and want to make sure that any functions we write respect this It would be interesting to try implementing rivers as a higher inductive type, say, in Cubical Agda.

equivalence, i.e. do not distinguish between such values. This is the reason I did not derive an Eq instance; we will have to write our own.

We can partially solve this problem with a bidirectional pattern synonym:

expand :: River a -> River a
expand (C a) = Cons a (C a)
expand as = as

infixr 5 :::
pattern (:::) :: a -> River a -> River a
pattern (:::) a as <- (expand -> Cons a as)
    a ::: as = Cons a as

{-# COMPLETE (:::) #-}

Matching with the pattern (a ::: as) uses a view pattern to potentially expand a C one step into a Cons, so that we can pretend all River values are always constructed with (:::). In the other direction, (:::) merely constructs a Cons.

We mark (:::) as COMPLETE on its own since it is, in fact, sufficient to handle every possible input of type River. However, in order to obtain terminating algorithms we will often include one or more special cases for C.

Normalization by construction?

As an alternative, we could use a variant pattern synonym:

infixr 5 ::=
pattern (::=) :: Eq a => a -> River a -> River a
pattern (::=) a as <- (expand -> Cons a as)
    a' ::= C a | a' == a = C a
    a ::= as = Cons a as

{-# COMPLETE (::=) #-}

As compared to (:::), this has an extra Eq a constraint: when we construct a River with (::=), it checks to see whether we are consing an identical value onto an existing C a, and if so, simply returns the C a unchanged. If we always use (::=) instead of directly using Cons, it ensures that River values are always normalized—that is, for every eventually constant stream, we always use the canonical representative where the element immediately preciding the constant tail is not equal to it.

This, in turn, technically makes it impossible to write functions which do not respect the equivalence C a === Cons a (C a), simply because they will only ever be given canonical rivers as input. However, as we will see when we discuss folds, it is still possible to write “bad” functions, i.e. functions that are semantically questionable as functions on eventually constant streams—it would just mean we cannot directly observe them behaving badly.

The big downside of using this formulation is that the Eq constraint infects absolutely everything—we even end up with Eq constraints in places where we would not expect them (for example, on head :: River a -> a), because the pattern synonym incurs an Eq constraint anywhere we use it, regardless of whether we are using it to construct or destruct River values. As you can see from the definition above, we only do an equality check when using (::=) to construct a River, not when using it to pattern-match, but there is no way to give the pattern synonym different types in the two directions.Of course, we could make it a unidirectional pattern synonym and just make a differently named smart constructor, but that seems somewhat ugly, as we would have to remember which to use in which situation.

So, because this normalizing variant does not really go far enough in removing our burden of proof, and has some big downsides in the form of leaking Eq constraints everywhere, I have chosen to stick with the simpler (:::) in this post. But I am still a bit unsure about this choice; in fact, I went back and forth two times while writing.

We can at least provide a normalize function, which we can use when we want to ensure normalization:

normalize :: Eq a => River a -> River a
normalize (C a) = C a
normalize (a ::= as) = a ::= as

Some standard functions on rivers

With the preliminary definitions out of the way, we can now build up a library of standard functions and instances for working with River a values. To start, we can write an Eq instance as follows:

instance Eq a => Eq (River a) where
  C a == C b = a == b
  (a ::: as) == (b ::: bs) = a == b && as == bs

Notice that we only need two cases, not four: if we compare two values whose finite prefixes are different lengths, the shorter one will automatically expand (via matching on (:::)) to the length of the longer.

We already derived a Functor instance; we can also define a “zippy” Applicative instance like so:

repeat :: a -> River a
repeat = C

instance Applicative River where
  pure = repeat
  C f <*> C x = C (f x)
  (f ::: fs) <*> (x ::: xs) = f x ::: (fs <*> xs)

zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> River a -> River b -> River c
zipWith = liftA2

We can write safe head, tail, and index functions:

head :: River a -> a
head (a ::: _) = a

tail :: River a -> River a
tail (_ ::: as) = as

infixl 9 !!
(!!) :: River a -> Int -> a
C a !! _ = a
(a ::: _) !! 0 = a
(_ ::: as) !! n = as !! (n - 1)

We can also write take and drop variants. Note that take returns a finite prefix of a River, which is a list, not another River. The special case for drop _ (C a) is not strictly necessary, but makes it more efficient.

take :: Int -> River a -> [a]
take n _ | n <= 0 = []
take n (a ::: as) = a : take (n - 1) as

drop :: Int -> River a -> River a
drop n r | n <= 0 = r
drop _ (C a) = C a
drop n (_ ::: as) = drop (n - 1) as

There are many other such functions we could implement (e.g. span, dropWhile, tails…); if I eventually put this on Hackage I would be sure to have a much more thorough selection of functions. Which functions would you want to see?

Folds for River

How do we fold over a River a? The Foldable type class requires us to define either foldMap or foldr; let’s think about foldMap, which would have type

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> River a -> m

However, this doesn’t really make sense. For example, suppose we have a River Int; if we had foldMap with the above type, we could use foldMap Sum to turn our River Int into a Sum Int. But what is the sum of an infinite stream of Int? Unless the eventually repeating part is C 0, this is not well-defined. If we simply write a function to add up all the Int values in a River, including (once) the value contained in the final C, this would be a good example of a semantically “bad” function: it does not respect the law C a === a ::: C a. If we ensure River values are always normalized, we would not be able to directly observe anything amiss, but the function still seems suspect.

Thinking about the law C a === a ::: C a again is the key. Supposing foldMap f (C a) = f a (since it’s unclear what else it could possibly do), applying foldMap to both sides of the law we obtain f a == f a <> f a, that is, the combining operation must be idempotent. This makes sense: with an idempotent operation, continuing to apply the operation to the infinite constant tail will not change the answer, so we can simply stop once we reach the C.

We can create a subclass of Semigroup to represent idempotent semigroups, that is, semigroups for which a <> a = a. There are several idempotent semigroups in base; we list a few below. Note that since rivers are never empty, we can get away with just a semigroup and not a monoid, since we do not need an identity value onto which to map an empty structure.

class Semigroup m => Idempotent m
  -- No methods, since Idempotent represents adding only a law,
  -- namely, ∀ a. a <> a == a

-- Exercise for the reader: convince yourself that these are all
-- idempotent
instance Idempotent All
instance Idempotent Any
instance Idempotent Ordering
instance Ord a => Idempotent (Max a)
instance Ord a => Idempotent (Min a)

Now, although we cannot make a Foldable instance, we can write our own variant of foldMap which requires an idempotent semigroup instead of a monoid:

foldMap :: Idempotent m => (a -> m) -> River a -> m
foldMap f (C a) = f a
foldMap f (a ::: as) = f a <> foldMap f as

fold :: Idempotent m => River m -> m
fold = foldMap id

We can then instantiate it at some of the semigroups listed above to get some useful folds. These are all guaranteed to terminate and yield a sensible answer on any River.

and :: River Bool -> Bool
and = getAll . foldMap All

or :: River Bool -> Bool
or = getAny . foldMap Any

all :: (a -> Bool) -> River a -> Bool
all f = and . fmap f

any :: (a -> Bool) -> River a -> Bool
any f = or . fmap f

maximum :: Ord a => River a -> a
maximum = getMax . foldMap Max

minimum :: Ord a => River a -> a
minimum = getMin . foldMap Min

lexicographic :: Ord a => River a -> River a -> Ordering
lexicographic xs ys = fold $ zipWith compare xs ys

We could make an instance Ord a => Ord (River a) with compare = lexicographic; however, in the next section I want to make a different Ord instance for a specific instantiation of River.

Application: \(2\)-adic numbers

Briefly, here’s the particular application I have in mind: infinite-precision two’s complement arithmetic, i.e. \(2\)-adic numbers. Chris Smith also wrote about \(2\)-adic numbers recently; however, unlike Chris, I am not interested in \(2\)-adic numbers in general, but only specifically those \(2\)-adic numbers which represent an embedded copy of \(\mathbb{Z}\). These are precisely the eventually constant ones: nonnegative integers are represented in binary as usual, with an infinite tail of \(0\) bits, and negative integers are represented with an infinite tail of \(1\) bits. For example, \(-1\) is represented as an infinite string of all \(1\)’s. The amazing thing about this representation (and the reason it is commonly used in hardware) is that the usual addition and multiplication algorithms continue to work without needing special cases to handle negative integers. If you’ve never seen how this works, you should definitely read about it.

data Bit = O | I deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum)

type Bits = River Bit

First, some functions to convert to and from integers. We only need special cases for \(0\) and \(-1\), and beyond that it is just the usual business with mod and div to peel off one bit at a time, or multiplying by two and adding to build up one bit at a time. (I am a big fan of LambdaCase.)

toBits :: Integer -> Bits
toBits = \case
  0  -> C O
  -1 -> C I
  n  -> toEnum (fromIntegral (n `mod` 2)) ::: toBits (n `div` 2)

fromBits :: Bits -> Integer
fromBits = \case
  C O -> 0
  C I -> -1
  b ::: bs -> 2 * fromBits bs + fromIntegral (fromEnum b)

For testing, we can also make a Show instance. When it comes to showing the infinite constant tail, I chose to repeat the bit 3 times and then show an ellipsis; this is not really necessary but somehow helps my brain more easily see whether it is an infinite tail of zeros or ones.

instance Show Bits where
  show = reverse . go
    go (C b) = replicate 3 (showBit b) ++ "..."
    go (b ::: bs) = showBit b : go bs

    showBit = ("01" P.!!) . fromEnum

Let’s try it out:

ghci> toBits 26
ghci> toBits (-30)
ghci> fromBits (toBits (-30))
ghci> quickCheck $ \x -> fromBits (toBits x) == x
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

Arithmetic on \(2\)-adic numbers

Let’s implement some arithmetic. First, incrementing. It is standard except for a special case for C I (without which, incrementing C I would diverge). Notice that we use (::=) instead of (:::), which ensures our Bits values remain normalized.

inc :: Bits -> Bits
inc = \case
  C I      -> C O
  O ::= bs -> I ::= bs
  I ::= bs -> O ::= inc bs

dec is similar, just the opposite:

dec :: Bits -> Bits
dec = \case
  C O      -> C I
  I ::= bs -> O ::= bs
  O ::= bs -> I ::= dec bs

Then we can write inv to invert all bits, and neg as the composition of inc and inv.

inv :: Bits -> Bits
inv = fmap $ \case { O -> I; I -> O }

neg :: Bits -> Bits
neg = inc . inv

Trying it out:

λ> toBits 3
λ> neg it
λ> inc it
λ> inc it
λ> inc it
λ> inc it
λ> dec it
λ> dec it

Finally, addition, multiplication, and Ord and Num instances:

add :: Bits -> Bits -> Bits
add = \cases
  (C O)      y          -> y
  x          (C O)      -> x
  (C I)      (C I)      -> O ::= C I
  (I ::= xs) (I ::= ys) -> O ::= inc (add xs ys)
  (x ::= xs) (y ::= ys) -> (x .|. y) ::= add xs ys
  I .|. _ = I
  _ .|. y = y

mul :: Bits -> Bits -> Bits
mul = \cases
  (C O)      _     -> C O
  _          (C O) -> C O
  (C I)      y     -> neg y
  x          (C I) -> neg x
  (O ::= xs) ys    ->         O ::= mul xs ys
  (I ::= xs) ys    -> add ys (O ::= mul xs ys)

instance Ord Bits where
  -- It's a bit mind-boggling that this works
  compare (C x) (C y) = compare y x
  compare (x ::= xs) (y ::= ys) = compare xs ys <> compare x y

instance Num Bits where
  fromInteger = toBits
  negate = neg
  (+) = add
  (*) = mul
  abs = toBits . abs . fromBits
  signum = toBits . signum . fromBits
λ> quickCheck $ withMaxSuccess 1000 $ \x y -> fromBits (mul (toBits x) (toBits y)) == x * y
+++ OK, passed 1000 tests.
λ> quickCheck $ \x y -> compare (toBits x) (toBits y) == compare x y
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

Just for fun, let’s implement the Collatz map:

collatz :: Bits -> Bits
collatz (O ::= bs) = bs
collatz bs@(I ::= _) = 3*bs + 1
λ> P.take 20 $ map fromBits (iterate collatz (toBits (-13)))
λ> P.take 20 $ map fromBits (iterate collatz (toBits 7))

Questions / future work

  • Is (:::) or (::=) the better default? It’s tempting to just say “provide both and let the user decide”. I don’t disagree with that; however, the question is which one we use to implement various basic functions such as map/fmap. For example, if we use (:::), we can make a Functor instance, but values may not be normalized after mapping.

  • Can we generalize from eventually constant to eventually periodic? That is, instead of repeating the same value forever, we cycle through a repeating period of some finite length. I think this is possible, but it would make the implementation more complex, and I don’t know the right way to generalize foldMap. (We could insist that it only works for commutative idempotent semigroups, but in that case what’s the point of having a sequence of values rather than just a set?)

Happy to hear any comments or suggestions!