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Help me attend ICFP in Milan!

Posted on July 20, 2024
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tl;dr: if you appreciate my past or ongoing contributions to the Haskell community, please consider helping me get to ICFP this year by donating via my ko-fi page!


Working at a small liberal arts institution has some tremendous benefits (close interaction with motivated students, freedom to pursue the projects I want rather than jump through a bunch of hoops to get tenure, fantastic colleagues), and I love my job. But there are also downsides; the biggest ones for me are the difficulty of securing enough travel funding, and, relatedly, the difficulty of cultivating and maintaining collaborations.

Last year I was very grateful for people’s generosity in helping me get to Seattle. I am planning to again attend ICFP in Milan this September; this time I will even bring some students along. I have once again secured some funding from my institution, but it will not be enough to cover all the expenses.

So, if you have been positively impacted by my contributions to the Haskell community (e.g. CIS 194, the Typeclassopedia, diagrams, split, MonadRandom, burrito metaphors…) and/or would like to support my ongoing work (competitive programming in Haskell, swarm, disco, ongoing package maintenance…), and are able to express that appreciation or support with a donation of any size to help me get to ICFP, I would really appreciate it!

Thank you, friends — I hope to see many people in Milan! Next up: I will soon publish another post about tree path decomposition!