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Competitive Programming in Haskell: tree path decomposition, part II

Posted on August 8, 2024
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In a previous post I discussed the first half of my solution to Factor-Full Tree. In this post, I will demonstrate how to decompose a tree into disjoint paths. Technically, we should clarify that we are looking for directed paths in a rooted tree, that is, paths that only proceed down the tree. One could also ask about decomposing an unrooted tree into disjoint undirected paths; I haven’t thought about how to do that in general but intuitively I expect it is not too much more difficult.

For this particular problem, we want to decompose a tree into maximum-length paths (i.e. we start by taking the longest possible path, then take the longest path from what remains, and so on); I will call this the max-chain decomposition (I don’t know if there is a standard term). However, there are other types of path decomposition, such as heavy-light decomposition, so we will try to keep the decomposition code somewhat generic.


This post is literate Haskell; you can find the source code on GitHub. We begin with some language pragmas and imports.

{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

module TreeDecomposition where

import Control.Arrow ((>>>), (***))
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 qualified as BS
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Map (Map, (!), (!?))
import Data.Map qualified as M
import Data.Ord (Down(..), comparing)
import Data.Tree (Tree(..), foldTree)
import Data.Tuple (swap)

import ScannerBS

See here for the ScannerBS module.

Generic path decomposition

Remember, our goal is to split up a tree into a collection of linear paths; that is, in general, something like this:

What do we need in order to specify a decomposition of a tree into disjoint paths this way? Really, all we need is to choose at most one linked child for each node. In other words, at every node we can choose to continue the current path into a single child node (in which case all the other children will start their own new paths), or we could choose to terminate the current path (in which case every child will be the start of its own new path). We can represent such a choice with a function of type

type SubtreeSelector a = a -> [Tree a] -> Maybe (Tree a, [Tree a])

which takes as input the value at a node and the list of all the subtrees, and possibly returns a selected subtree along with the list of remaining subtrees.Of course, there is nothing in the type that actually requires a SubtreeSelector to return one of the trees from its input paired with the rest, but nothing we will do depends on this being true. In fact, I expect there may be some interesting algorithms obtainable by running a “path decomposition” with a “selector” function that actually makes up new trees instead of just selecting one, similar to the chop function.

Given such a subtree selection function, a generic path decomposition function will then take a tree and turn it into a list of non-empty paths:We could also imagine wanting information about the parent of each path, and a mapping from tree nodes to some kind of path ID, but we will keep things simple for now.

pathDecomposition :: SubtreeSelector a -> Tree a -> [NonEmpty a]

Implementing pathDecomposition is a nice exercise; you might like to try it yourself! You can find my implementation at the end of this blog post.

Max-chain decomposition

Now, let’s use our generic path decomposition to implement a max-chain decomposition. At each node we want to select the tallest subtree; in order to do this efficiently, we can first annotate each tree node with its height, via a straightforward tree fold:

type Height = Int

labelHeight :: Tree a -> Tree (Height, a)
labelHeight = foldTree node
  node a ts = case ts of
    [] -> Node (0, a) []
    _ -> Node (1 + maximum (map (fst . rootLabel) ts), a) ts

Our subtree selection function can now select the subtree with the largest Height annotation. Instead of implementing this directly, we might as well make a generic function for selecting the “best” element from a list (we will reuse it later):

selectMaxBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> Maybe (a, [a])
selectMaxBy _ [] = Nothing
selectMaxBy cmp (a : as) = case selectMaxBy cmp as of
  Nothing -> Just (a, [])
  Just (b, bs) -> case cmp a b of
    LT -> Just (b, a : bs)
    _ -> Just (a, b : bs)

We can now put the pieces together to implement max-chain decomposition. We first label the tree by height, then do a path decomposition that selects the tallest subtree at each node. We leave the height annotations in the final output since they might be useful—for example, we can tell how long each path is just by looking at the Height annotation on the first element. If we don’t need them we can easily get rid of them later. We also sort by descending Height, since getting the longest chains first was kind of the whole point.

maxChainDecomposition :: Tree a -> [NonEmpty (Height, a)]
maxChainDecomposition =
  labelHeight >>>
  pathDecomposition (const (selectMaxBy (comparing (fst . rootLabel)))) >>>
  sortBy (comparing (Down . fst . NE.head))

Factor-full tree solution

To flesh this out into a full solution to Factor-Full Tree, after computing the chain decomposition we need to assign prime factors to the chains. From those, we can compute the value for each node if we know which chain it is in and the value of its parent. To this end, we will need one more function which computes a Map recording the parent of each node in a tree. Note that if we already know all the edges in a given edge list are oriented the same way, we can build this much more simply as e.g. map swap >>> M.fromList; but when (as in general) we don’t know which way the edges should be oriented first, we might as well first build a Tree a via DFS with edgesToTree and then construct the parentMap like this afterwards.

parentMap :: Ord a => Tree a -> Map a a
parentMap = foldTree node >>> snd
  node :: Ord a => a -> [(a, Map a a)] -> (a, Map a a)
  node a b = (a, M.fromList (map (,a) as) <> mconcat ms)
    (as, ms) = unzip b

Finally, we can solve Factor-Full tree. Note that some code from my previous blog post is needed as well, and is included at the end of the post for completeness. Once we compute the max chain decomposition and the prime factor for each node, we use a lazy recursive Map to compute the value assigned to each node.

solve :: TC -> [Int]
solve TC{..} = M.elems assignment
    -- Build the tree and compute its parent map
    t = edgesToTree Node edges 1
    parent = parentMap t

    -- Compute the max chain decomposition, and use it to assign a prime factor
    -- to each non-root node
    paths :: [[Node]]
    paths = map (NE.toList . fmap snd) $ maxChainDecomposition t

    factor :: Map Node Int
    factor = M.fromList . concat $ zipWith (\p -> map (,p)) primes paths

    -- Compute an assignment of each node to a value, using a lazy map
    assignment :: Map Node Int
    assignment = M.fromList $ (1,1) : [(v, factor!v * assignment!(parent!v)) | v <- [2..n]]

For an explanation of this code for primes, see this old blog post.

primes :: [Int]
primes = 2 : sieve primes [3 ..]
  sieve (p : ps) xs =
    let (h, t) = span (< p * p) xs
     in h ++ sieve ps (filter ((/= 0) . (`mod` p)) t)

Bonus: heavy-light decomposition

We can easily use our generic path decomposition to compute a heavy-light decomposition as well:

type Size = Int

labelSize :: Tree a -> Tree (Size, a)
labelSize = foldTree $ \a ts -> Node (1 + sum (map (fst . rootLabel) ts), a) ts

heavyLightDecomposition :: Tree a -> [NonEmpty (Size, a)]
heavyLightDecomposition =
  labelSize >>>
  pathDecomposition (const (selectMaxBy (comparing (fst . rootLabel))))

I plan to write about this in a future post.

Leftover code

Here’s my implementation of pathDecomposition; how did you do?

pathDecomposition select = go
  go = selectPath select >>> second (concatMap go) >>> uncurry (:)

selectPath :: SubtreeSelector a -> Tree a -> (NonEmpty a, [Tree a])
selectPath select = go
  go (Node a ts) = case select a ts of
    Nothing -> (NE.singleton a, ts)
    Just (t, ts') -> ((a NE.<|) *** (ts' ++)) (go t)

We also include some input parsing and tree-building code from last time.

main :: IO ()
main = BS.interact $ runScanner tc >>> solve >>> map (show >>> BS.pack) >>> BS.unwords

type Node = Int
data TC = TC { n :: Int, edges :: [(Node, Node)] }
  deriving (Eq, Show)

tc :: Scanner TC
tc = do
  n <- int
  edges <- (n - 1) >< pair int int
  return TC{..}

edgesToMap :: Ord a => [(a, a)] -> Map a [a]
edgesToMap = concatMap (\p -> [p, swap p]) >>> dirEdgesToMap

dirEdgesToMap :: Ord a => [(a, a)] -> Map a [a]
dirEdgesToMap = map (second (: [])) >>> M.fromListWith (++)

mapToTree :: Ord a => (a -> [b] -> b) -> Map a [a] -> a -> b
mapToTree nd m root = dfs root root
  dfs parent root = nd root (maybe [] (map (dfs root) . filter (/= parent)) (m !? root))

edgesToTree :: Ord a => (a -> [b] -> b) -> [(a, a)] -> a -> b
edgesToTree nd = mapToTree nd . edgesToMap